Your Support Helps Us Provide $6.60 in Care for Every $1 Donated

Donate to HealthNet today! Donating to HealthNet of Rock County, Inc., means fewer people will have to choose between caring for their health and caring for their families. HealthNet of Rock County, Inc. has been filling in healthcare gaps for 25 years, helping to improve health outcomes for low-income individuals and families. We see many patients who, before visiting HealthNet, suffered with uncontrolled chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma.

HealthNet provides uninsured or underinsured low-income families with a reliable primary medical and dental care home. Your donation makes all this happen, and more.

HealthNet staff with facemask donation

How We Helped in 2019-20

in FREE prescriptions provided
Eye Exams
Chiropractic Appointments
In our Seal-a-Smile program
In order to meet our patients' needs
% of every $1
Goes directly to Program Services

Donation Wish List

Thank you for your impactful donation to HealthNet of Rock County. Please review our donation guidelines below to ensure that your contribution is going to the best possible place.

Stop by Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm to donate. We ask that all donations come to our 122 S. McKinley Street entrance.

Other Ways To Donate

Your donations help the many patients who depend on HealthNet for their well-being. Whether you are donating insulin or office paper, regardless of the size of your contribution or the motivation behind it, we are grateful for your gift!

Tax deductible contributions can be mailed to our clinic:

HealthNet of Rock County, Inc.
113 S. Franklin Street
Janesville, WI 53548

You may also contact our Outreach AmeriCorps VISTA to find out ways you can give a special gift of stocks, endowments, gifts in memoriam, and other giving.

HealthNet Patient Testimonials

HealthNet dental patient
“I never in my life thought I would be comfortable at the dentist, but every time I go to HealthNet I feel at home and at ease.”
HealthNet Dental Clinic Patient
Patient at HealthNet Medical Clinic
“Since I’ve been coming to HealthNet, I’ve been able to maintain my blood sugar with the help of the nurses and doctors and the medication that they provide for me. I would recommend HealthNet.”
HealthNet Medical Clinic patient

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